Meeniyan Bowling Club

Winter bowls comp is well and truly over now and the new season was opened officially Saturday 23rd September with Lyn Bloch rolling the first bowl.

Memorial Pairs were played the same day. Congratulations to the winners Barbara Scott and Greg Hogan and thank you to Marty at Moo’s for sponsoring the day. Grand Final day saw players enjoying bowls followed by a footy lunch and enjoying the comradeship of watching the big game on our new big screen TV.

Two Saturday pennant practice games coming up: one against Mirboo North 7th October and one against Tarwin Lower 14th October. Both of these games are at Meeniyan. Mid-week pennant starts Tuesday 17th October. The ladies Invitation Day will be held Friday 13th October. Greetings to former member Robbie Butter-worth who has now moved into Carinya Lodge in Korumburra.

New members welcome.


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The Meeniyan Store is back open for business