Meeniyan Progress

Meeniyan, The Turning Point punches above its weight through the support of the many community groups that keep this thriving town moving.

About Progress

The Meeniyan Progress Association is a dynamic and passionate community organization dedicated to the growth and development of the town of Meeniyan in South Gippsland, Victoria.

Committed to improving the quality of life for residents and visitors alike, the association actively engages with the community to identify and address its needs and aspirations.

By fostering a sense of unity and collaboration, the Meeniyan Progress Association plays a pivotal role in enhancing the town's infrastructure, organising community events, and preserving its unique cultural heritage.

Through their tireless efforts, the association ensures that Meeniyan remains a vibrant and thriving hub, where residents can enjoy a high quality of life, and visitors can experience the warmth and charm of this friendly town.

The Meeniyan Progress Association is an essential catalyst for positive change and progress, and its dedication to the community is truly commendable.

Get Involved.

If you would like to get involved, with Meeniyan Progress Assocation, please feel free to come along to a meeting.

Meeniyan Progress Assocation meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the 7.30pm in the Meeniyan Hall.